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It is a condition of entry to the centre that you wear a mask whether you are a patient or otherwise. Please bring your own mask or purchase one on-site from Kildare Road Pharmacy.
Kildare Road Medical Centre is currently providing chronic disease health assessments and care plans. Please visit us or contact us via phone or email to learn more about this program.
We at KRMC pay our respects to the Traditional Owners of the land, the Darug people and to Elders past, present and emerging. KRMC aims to provide you and your mob with the best primary healthcare services in Western Sydney.
Can’t attend the practice in person? Our doctors offer Telehealth appointments. Please note: to book a Medicare-funded Telehealth appointment you must have attended the practice in person within the last twelve months, otherwise you will be billed privately.
Did you know if you have a valid Medicare card you can get a free skin cancer check?
Early detection of skin cancer saves lives!
Why wait? Book today.