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Who should get a skin cancer check?
Everyone should be getting their skin checked regularly.
However, what this means for everyone is going to vary. Some people will require more regular checks than others because some types of skin are more vulnerable to skin cancer.
In order to determine how frequently you should be getting a skin check, please speak to a doctor. It is also important to note that if you have noticed anything unusual in your skin recently – for example a crusty mole- then you should see a skin doctor immediately.
If you would like to speak to a doctor about this please book below:
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If you’re an employer whose business includes outdoor work, then you should be encouraging your employees to get skin checks.
As an employer why should you do this?
While there is no explicit requirement to provide a skin cancer check to your workers, Safe Work NSW has a blog with tips on being skin cancer aware and it has a focus on self-management of risk and self-checks of skin:
However, employers or businesses or people who conduct a business do have a legal obligation under work health and safety laws to:
1. identify hazards in the workplace
2. assess the risk those hazards create
3. then eliminate or minimize them as much as possible.
If you are an employer who requires employees to work outdoors then skin cancer is an obvious risk. Whilst assessing and minimising that risk can be done by adopting strategies around time of work, sun protective clothing, sunscreen etc, monitoring is best done via a skin cancer check.
Our experience is that leaving skin cancer checks up to the individual is high risk as many individuals do not follow these checks up until a problem becomes evident.
Employers can arrange and implement these skin cancer checks relatively easily and cost effectively – especially when balanced against the cost of workers compensation premiums and cases.
Kildare Road Medical Centre has a strong corporate health service. If you would like to get in touch with our corporate health team then please visit the link below.
Kildare Road Medical Centre Corporate Health:
#blacktown #KRMC #westernsydeny #skincancer #melanoma #sunsafety
Looking for another reason why you should take sun safety seriously?
Here’s another. According to Yale Medicine, the sun’s rays can potentially cause long term damage to the skin if we don’t protect ourselves properly.
The damage caused by the ultra violet light in the sun’s rays can cause wrinkling, pigmentation changes, loss of skin tone, redness and rough uneven skin texture.
If you don’t protect yourself out in the sun, you are going to end up with a higher chance of skin damage.
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How do you keep your skin safe in between skin checks?
The Cancer Council of Australia recommends the following:
– Slip on some sun-protective clothing that covers as much skin as possible.
– Slop on broad spectrum, water resistant SPF30 (or higher) sunscreen.
– Put it on 20 minutes before you go outdoors and every two hours afterwards. Sunscreen should never be used to extend the time you spend in the sun.
– Slap on a hat – broad brim or legionnaire style to protect your face, head, neck and ears.
– Seek shade.
– Slide on some sunglasses – make sure they meet Australian Standards.
We’ve all heard this before – and for good reason. It’s really effective. Most of us can manage to do all of these things regularly. It’s a really great way to stay safe and healthy, and it’s not too difficult.
It is also smart to check the UV index before you go out, check the link below to get an app to help with this.
So really it’s not too difficult to keep yourself safe in the sun and it’s well worth your while.
If you want to discuss sun safety with your doctor, please visit the link below.
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Why should you get your skin checked regularly?
The sooner you identify a skin cancer, the sooner you can get it treated. The Australian Cancer Council says that early detection of skin cancers can reduce the risk of surgery, melanoma, potential disfigurement or death.
The best way to safely and effectively make sure that your skin is healthy is to speak to a doctor about it regularly. Everyone is different, so speak to your doctor about what they think will work best for you.
It is important for you to keep an eye on your skin – and if you notice anything unusual then you can let your doctor know. Skin cancers rarely hurt and are more frequently seen than felt.
Also, keep an eye on pre-existing freckles or moles that have recently changed colour or shape.
To learn more please visit the link below:
Book Now at the Kildare Road Medical Centre Skin Cancer Clinic:
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