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The KRMC Medicinal Cannabis Clinic specialises in educating people about Medicinal Cannabis, providing scripts for Medicinal Cannabis, and deciding whether Medicinal Cannabis is suitable for your healthcare journey. The KRMC Medicinal Cannabis Clinic provides long-term care for patients using Medicinal Cannabis, including follow-up appointments, script renewals and consistent monitoring.
To book into and learn more about the KRMC Medicinal Cannabis Clinic, please use the button below.
The KRMC Heart Health Clinic specialises in identifying, managing and minimising the risk of heart disease. Blacktown and its surrounding suburbs have the highest level of heart disease and the highest level of heart attacks in NSW. Having a Heart Health Check every year takes 20 minutes and is an important first step to protecting your heart. A KRMC Heart Health Check is free for eligible patients with a valid Medicare card.
To book into and learn more about the KRMC Heart Health Clinic, please use the button below.
The KRMC Skin Cancer Clinic specialises in identifying, managing and removing skin cancers.
To learn more about the KRMC Skin Cancer Clinic, please use the button below.
The KRMC Women’s Health Clinic provides services in reproductive and female health for those located in the Western Sydney area.
To learn more about the KRMC Women’s Health Clinic, please use the button below.
The KRMC Allergy Clinic specialises in diagnosing and managing airborne allergens causing allergic rhinitis. The KRMC Allergy Clinic makes diagnoses using skin prick testing. Skin prick testing is recognised as the gold standard for airborne allergy testing by the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy.
To book into and learn more about the KRMC Allergy Clinic, please use the button below.
The KRMC Clean Slate Clinic is an outpatient alcohol detox program providing a discreet service for those wishing to address problem drinking. The program has a high success rate in cutting down and ending problem drinking and is the subject of a peer-reviewed medical study paper.
To book into and learn more about the KRMC Clean Slate Clinic, please use the button below.